Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

Good News

One of my friend who follow my blog commented that my blog feels so mellow, if not complaining about my job, it filled with wishes or prayer to push me up from kinda sad and difficult situations.

Yeah, I realized that maybe this is not inspired blog that fills with motivation and good news, but it is truly happened on my life. Im in a situations that truly HELL, if I can use that word (*a little bit hyperbolic*)

But I think I see some hope and the rainbow- one step closer to me..and im gonna give my best effort to reach that. So now im gonna STOP complaining and tell u some happy situations that I felt this lately.

FIrstable, let me describe my daily activities.

My current and will be my last client is located at Gatot Subroto, near with Palang Merah Indonesia office and Universitas Paramadina. The company was established on October 4, 1996 based on Notarial Deed No. 8…oops, sorry this is a part of disclosure on Notes to the Financial Reports, haaha.

Client’s working hours is from 7.30 AM to 5.00 PM..yeah, quite normal working hours, I guess. But as an auditor, with unusual working hours, I arrived at client about 9AM and got home about 9 to 10PM.

I worked at third floor, at 4x5 metres meeting room facilitated with TV, whiteboard and six-comfortable-office-chair.

About this client…hemm, they really niccceee persons. We usually had lunch together at auditor’s room, watching TV especially infotainment programme and a quiz show called “Happy Song” with Choky Sithohang as the host, yeah…. We are a huge fans of this cute guy ;D

Sometimes we are sharing our lunch each other and eat Rujak with spicy sambal, because one of my client is pregnant and need to eat “Mangga Muda” and other fruits, it is her baby wish..

I can tell you that I think this is a dream place to work, because it feels like you work with your own family and all are well organized. The office facilitated with a Bell or Alarms which will ring at Lunch Time and at the time we have to go home. Ten minutes before the alarm rings, you have to pack your stuff, so on 5PM sharp, you just walk away from your desk, move to the lift and reach the office car that will safely carry you to home. Nice facilitation, right? Plus you will get uniforms which are different from Monday to Friday.

Ehhheemmm, back to my activities…. As can be seen in picture below, this is auditor’s room, which full with company’s award from several magazine and organization.

What am I doing in this room?

1. Im checking several supporting documents made by client to prove the existence of Company’s transaction. As an auditor, we just give an assurance that the Company’s financial statements are fairly stated and free of material misstatement, we could not checked ALL company’s transactions, thus we picked representative samples to cover our assurances. And my representative samples consisted of: 14 binders for sample vouching inventory mutation, 9 binders for sample vouching revenue cycle, and more than 60 other voucher for other accounts. Am I checked all that supporting documents by my-self? Off course YES, im a single fighter at this client, as I usually do, hahaaa…and like other auditors do..we are independent person, rite??!! =p.

2. 2.2. Picture below taken at night, maybe about 8PM. If you zoom into my laptop screen, it was “List of Point to Do and Point Review”, which was given by my Senior Manager. It contained all the things you have to do and response or review about your working paper, so you must do additional procedures to cover the assurances as I said before. It was some guidance from above for us to follow.

3. 3. 3. Sleeping, haaha.. just kidding..even im so sleepy on critical time (2 to 4PM), I must stay awake to do my tasks, before the new tasks are coming to my e-mail, hehe.. when im sleepy, I usually have some chat or SMS with my friends or stand up for a while, turn on my Windows Media Player playlist and sing a singable songs…=D

Auditor’s outfit:

Short-sleeved shirt (with neutral colour such as white, black, gray, brown), long pants, five-centimetres-shoes-in-cream/khaki, and backpack.

As a female auditor, I prefer to use long pants better than skirt, why? Because it is more comfortable to use long pants since sometimes you have to carry a LOT of Working Paper, documents, etc.. and walk around client to inquired them, borrow some documents and to prevent sexual harassment (haha, just kidding).

Auditor’s stuff:

1.Standard stationary such as: pencil, red-ballpoint, eraser, type-X, ruler, binder-clip, staples,stabilo, cellotape.

2. Un-standard stationary such as: tixin (it looks like donut-0-, use as sticker to make the hole in your document not easily ripped), “Vicks-Inhaler” and “Refreshing eye drops” to make you stay awake.

3. Most important stuff: laptop+the battery, calculator, modem (u must stay connect to internet so that you can regularly check your email from new tasks, and sometimes to updating your status on Facebook, Twitter or to write a new post on your blog, just like what im doing right now, hiihi), tea or coffe, CANDIES and other sweetener to stabilize your blood sugar and to prevent from high-blood tension.

And the good news: it’s only about 7 days from now, and im gonna FREE FROM ALL of above tasks, ALL of above situations, ALL of above stuffs, and the outfit. (In my new office, I have to use skirt, and after six months, im gonna get uniforms-blazer and skirt).

Good news, rite?! =D

Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Random photos

I'm truly not in the mood for work at this moment, so i decided to post some random photos from this office laptop, before i returned it back to "Office - Asset Management" on April 01, 2010..hehe

Can you guess this place?
Please refer to Photo-09

Seafood Platter for two - Fish & Co
Additional tartar sauce, please....
Yuuummmyyyy.... =p


Rio Febrian, one of my favorite singer, performed at Plaza Indonesia.
He was singing a song called "Bukan Untukku"
"Aku takkan bertahan...bila tak teryakinkan...
sesungguhnya cintamu, memang hanya untukku..
Sungguh ku tak menahan bila jalan suratan
Menuliskan dirimu memang bukan untukku... selamanya"
What a deep song...

This are my pets (erm ok, my sister's pet, since im not directly feed them or take care of them each day).
The white one is "Tari" - Female, at this moment she had six babies (the babies born just about 2 days ago, im gonna post those babies later)
The brown one is "SenTaro", Male, and he already passed away due to sick.

The cute bunny above is "ToRo", male (i guess).
It was my sister's birthday gift from her friends.
Unfortunately, he also already passed away, maybe because he was too young and separated from his mother...

The dove hang on the roof @ Paris Van Java-Bandung

The dove hang on window @ Paris Van Java-Bandung

A pair of doves, one of my favorite pictures... i really love it. Do you?

My team-mate at Untar, miss them a lot..
I like the red ambience. Red is our trademark
Can you guess the place?
It was the same place with picture (1) above (refer to Photo-01)

This is a logo of our organization - imakta,
I forgot who's made this logo, emm, maybe Tommy or Vincent or Nia...?
I think it's better to put your signature, so that we can recognized the fabulous artist who design this logo
or maybe you can type:
Prepared by: XX (sign off here) Date: XX-XX-XXXX
Reviewed by: XX (sign off here) Date: XX-XX-XXXX

Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010

We have brain on our head,
We have heart on our body,
We have a pair of shoes,

Dream what you want to dream,

go where you want to go,

be what you want to be,

because you have only one life

and one chance

to do all the things you want in life.

Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

Still need pills?

Betul sekali,

Jumat, 05 Maret 2010


We are in crossroads and we have to decide which way we should go..

Ketika sedang berada di persimpangan jalan, kita musti memilih...
Memilih jalan mana yang harus kita lalui, meskipun kita tidak tahu apa yang akan kita hadapi sepanjang perjalanan tersebut.

Bisa saja di pertengahan jalan akan ada binatang buas ataupun bandit perampok,
Bisa saja sepanjang jalan tersebut dipenuhi kerikil tajam,
Bisa saja jalan tersebut tidak mulus, melainkan penuh lobang jebakan dan tikungan curam

Tapi bila setelah kita melalui jalan tersebut, kita akan sampai di sebuah tempat yang sangat indah, Air terjun mungkin
Atau hamparan padang bunga harum semerbak yang dihiasi kupu-kupu berwarna warni dan penuh dengan keteduhan pohon Oak,
Atau sampai di sebuah pantai dengan pasir putih dan air laut bening sehingga ikan2 yang berenang di bawahnya pun dapat terlihat, bau angin laut sudah tercium dan hempasan ombak di tepi karang sudah terdengar riuh...

Ketika berada di persimpangan jalan, mungkin kita akan kesulitan untuk memilih, karena tidak ada seorang pun yang dapat menjamin bahwa kita akan sampai di sana dengan selamat, kecuali Dia Yang Maha Kuasa.

Mungkin di depan persimpangan jalan yang satu terlihat sangat meyakinkan, mulus, penuh dengan lampu jalan yang terang dan berbagai rambu-rambu yang seolah akan membuat kita nyaman memasuki jalan tersebut, namun apakah kita yakin di pertengahan jalan tersebut keadaan akan tetap sama?

Tidakkah terpikir oleh kita bahwa fasilitas jalan yang disediakan itu tentu memerlukan "sesuatu" pengorbanan pula? Sama halnya seperti kita melewati jalan tol, kita musti membayar tiket tol, tapi apakah selamanya jalan tol lancar? Terkadang semakin banyak orang yang berpikir jalan tol adalah jalan bebas hambatan, semakin banyak orang yang memasuki jalan tersebut, akan semakin penuh sesak, melebihi jalan biasa yang mungkin justru lebih lancar dari jalan tol.

Atau mungkin di persimpangan jalan satunya lagi terlihat biasa saja, tidak ada sesuatu yang istimewa, fasilitas pun tidak ada. Tapi apakah kita pernah berpikir bahwa tidak tersedianya fasilitas itu adalah karena jalanan itu sendiri sudah aman dan nyaman, sehingga tidak memerlukan fasilitas apapun.
Tanpa lampu jalanan pun sudah terang.
Tanpa rambu-rambu pun sudah jelas arah yang ingin dituju.

Berada di persimpangan jalan adalah HAL YANG TERSULIT, terlalu banyak PERTIMBANGAN dan KOMENTAR orang lain mengenai jalan yang hendak KITA PILIH, namun semuanya itu akan terasa LEBIH MUDAH, ketika kita mendengarkan KATA HATI KITA.

TIdak ada orang yang lebih memahami diri kita, selain diri kita sendiri.
Jalan yang dipilihkan oleh orang lain belum tentu adalah jalan yang TERBAIK bagi kita, namun bila kita memilih JALAN KITA SENDIRI, walaupun itu sulit pasti dapat kita hadapi, KARENA SUARA YANG BERASAL DARI HATI TIDAK PERNAH SALAH

LIFE is about a CHOICE, whichever the way you choose, JUST BELIEVE it's gonna be THE BEST WAY, coz HE will GUIDE US...

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

Di sela-sela kerjaan

Di tengah tumpukan binder2 yang fresh from the oven dapet dari client, tiba2 MSN gw berkelap-kelip oranyeee…. Tmen gw malah curhat, bukan curhat juga sih, meminta dicarikan solusiiii…masalah pacarnya… (*sekilas gw berpikir, iiih untung juga gw blm punya pacar, jd ga perlu berantem or ribut…..masalah kerjaan aja uda bikin pusing, apalagi kalo berantem ama pacar, haha…*)

Masalah yang suaangaaat sederhana, cuman ngambek-an aja….dan simple-nya gw kasih lah advise ke dia dan dia nurutin perkataan gw. Di akhir pembicaraan, tmn gw itu bilang:

“Wuuuaaa, cocook bgt u jadi konsultan sis…”

“Iya dhe, gw jadi dokter cinta aja daaah, jaminan uang kembali, guaranteed 100% cash back kalo ga manjur usulnya, haahaaaaa….”

Tom, fee gw belom dibayar lho yah. Gw catetin nih dari jam 6:37:56 PM sampai dengan 7:07:19 PM


Wish you luck, my Frenz =D