Can you guess this place?
Please refer to Photo-09
Seafood Platter for two - Fish & Co
Additional tartar sauce, please....
Yuuummmyyyy.... =p
Rio Febrian, one of my favorite singer, performed at Plaza Indonesia.
He was singing a song called "Bukan Untukku"
"Aku takkan bertahan...bila tak teryakinkan...
sesungguhnya cintamu, memang hanya untukku..
Sungguh ku tak menahan bila jalan suratan
Menuliskan dirimu memang bukan untukku... selamanya"
What a deep song...
This are my pets (erm ok, my sister's pet, since im not directly feed them or take care of them each day).
The white one is "Tari" - Female, at this moment she had six babies (the babies born just about 2 days ago, im gonna post those babies later)
The brown one is "SenTaro", Male, and he already passed away due to sick.
The cute bunny above is "ToRo", male (i guess).
It was my sister's birthday gift from her friends.
Unfortunately, he also already passed away, maybe because he was too young and separated from his mother...
The dove hang on the roof @ Paris Van Java-Bandung
The dove hang on window @ Paris Van Java-Bandung
A pair of doves, one of my favorite pictures... i really love it. Do you?
My team-mate at Untar, miss them a lot..
I like the red ambience. Red is our trademark
Can you guess the place?
It was the same place with picture (1) above (refer to Photo-01)

This is a logo of our organization - imakta,
I forgot who's made this logo, emm, maybe Tommy or Vincent or Nia...?
I think it's better to put your signature, so that we can recognized the fabulous artist who design this logo
or maybe you can type:
Prepared by: XX (sign off here) Date: XX-XX-XXXX
Reviewed by: XX (sign off here) Date: XX-XX-XXXX
Siska... hai.... g sudah coba template yang lu kasih.. thanks a bunch ya hun... blog g jadi lbh menarik diliat.. hehehhe
BalasHapuskalo diliat dr foto2 lu yang di post kok kakyaknya hidup2 lu bahagia aja.. anak gaul juga nih kayaknya....
cuma i guess foto sama kenyataan ga selalu sama ya... yah semoga setelah lu join di Panin lu akhirnya mendapatkan work-life balance that u always wanted... dan lu jd bisa sering2 pergi sama g... jangan alasan mulu tiap kali diajak pergi! hehehe
hoho, asal gw kasih tau aja yah, itu foto uda lama punya, ada yg tgl 28 may 2008, yg terbaru yg di PVJ tuh feb 2010..sisanya sabtu-minggu gw suram, haaha..
BalasHapusYAPS, ameeen, thx for the wishes =D
pngen pijet, spa, lulur di oxa neeeh..hehe..