Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Tokio Kitchen

August 21, 2012

the weather in Jakarta currently so hot and dry, approximately could reach 38 Celcius. So me, my brother and my sister looking for a comfort place to do our homework. yeaaah, even tough it was still Ied Mubarak Holiday, we have a lot of homework to do. I have a quite tight deadline for my thesis, i have to finished the chapter 4 and 5, also its appendix by this end of month. My brother have some project to be done from his office. My sister? emm, she is a very lucky auditor, she don't have a homework, she just playing a game hooho...

Bringing our laptop and another paper, we went to Central Park, Tokio Kitchen.
It was a food-court filled with Japannesse Cuisine. Why we choose Tokio Kitchen instead of other resto? because we can sit all day long and it's free wi-fi :D

What we order?
1. Californian Roll (28k), 8 pieces of sushi rolls that contain cucumber, crabstick, avocado, sprinkled with roasted tobiko. Love the tobiko and the cucumber, so crispy and fresh.

2. Spicy Tuna Roll (22k), just an ordinary 8 pieces of tuna roll hehhe..

3. Grilled Chicken Wings
(17k), 5 pieces of chicken wings covered with barbecue sauce. The meat so tender and juicy at the top of the chicken skin, but it was a tasteless meat deep down in those skin.

4. Chicken Drum Sticks (18k), 5 pieces of
crunchy fried chicken thighs with "SAMBAL INDOFOOD" hahahha, nothing special with this dish, i think i can made my own drumstick which were better than this one.

5. Ocha tea and rainbow juice.. nothing special, just tea and fruit juice :)

Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

HBD My Bro

August 19, 2012

It was my brother birthday, along with our little family, (mom, dad, me, bro, and sis), we went to Central park to had a dinner. Due to Ied Mubarak (Lebaran) holiday, the shopping mall was so crowded, lots of people were going out to had their own supper.

Actually we prefer to eat chinesse food, because mom n dad are kinda picky and the taste of those chinesse food is the best best fit to their tongue. We visited several Chinesse Food Resto such as May Star, Jun Njan, asking for a seat but the waiting list was quite long thus we decided to move to another resto with more reasonable waiting list.

The decision was MANHATTAN FISH MARKET. The menu are similar with FISH n Co, they provide FIsh n CHips, seafood platter and any other seafood such as Mussels, Lobster, Scallop and the most favorite dish: prawns.
It only takes few than 10 minutes for us to get a table to sit. So happy because we're already hungry hohoho..

what we order?
1. Manhattan Seafood Platter (179k)
*with chef recommendation mark on the menu*

It was a BIG BITE for us, the plate contain:
- 2 pieces of dori fish with melted mayo and tartar sauce
- 4 pieces of grilled prawns, which grilled in front of your table. The Sea-agent (the crew) coming out with combustion appliance to burnt out the prawns. It smells so good when the prawns being grilled
- 4 pieces of super-crunchy-fried calamari that looks like onion ring
- 4 pieces of fried mussels, which the taste was not too good in my mom's opinion
- a huge bunch of french fries, rice and vegetables

2. Grilled Salmon with Rice (79k)

It was a small bite for us. The salmon was so bold and worth with the price. But unfortunately, i don't like the dish. It smells not to good in my opinion, the fish was not fresh, so i just ate a small bite of it.

3. Mushroom Soup

I love the soup, it was tender, juicy and taste so nice. And i guess it would be nice if there was a zuppa on the top of it :)

4. Garlic Herb Mussels, served with thin bread
Eeemm, actually i don't ate the mussels because I'm afraid it will makes me itchy and allergic. I only ate the bread, I put it in garlic sauce and it was sooo nice...

5. Caesar Salad, a very fresh lettuce, dry toast, and egg with mayo sauce, love it <3
6. For drinks, we order: Citrus mint soda (non-refillable), Lemon tea and Sprite/Cola (refillable)

After that we went to Sogo to buy a pair of sandals for my father. It was 08.30 at night and the store preparing to closed on 09.00 due to Ied Mubarak Holiday.
I bought an Andre Valentino sandals for my dad, and suddenly I remember the time when my dad bought me a pair of shoes, and this time is my turn to show him my sincere love and caring... love you, Dad <3 <3 <3

Next, we're going to Tribeca Park to enjoy the night view.
A birthday celebration wouldn't perfect without a cake, right?
So, We bought a red velvet cake @starbucks. The cake so soft, and the mocca creamm.. hemmm yummy..

Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

How to say NO?

Salah satu kelemahan terbesar gw adalah "tidak bisa berkata TIDAK"

Kayaknya kalo menolak permintaan seseorang itu adalah suatu hal yang memalukan dan tentu akan sangat mengecewakan si peminta tolong, dan gw akhirnya selalu meng-"IYA"-kan setiap permintaan tolong yang dilayangkan ke gw.

Beberapa case yang pernah terjadi:

1. Gw lagi berkunjung ke rumah koko , yang kebetulan bertetanggaan dengan teman kantor, lalu teman kantor tersebut meminta bantuan utk menyampulkan buku pelajaran anaknya. Dia sudah mengerjakan sebagian dan perlu bantuan agar dpt menyelesaikannya segera agar bisa berkunjung ke rumah koko dan menjenguk dede bayi. So then, pada jam2 ngantuk di siang hari yang panas itu gw jalan ke rumah dia dan membantu... in the end, gw berhasil menyampul sebanyak 8 buku dan dia menyampul 2 buku.

2. Beberapa kerjaan hibahan yang akhirnya gw yang kerjain karena PIC yang seharusnya mengerjakan malah ga bisa ngerjain... ini kadang menyebalkan sih, jadi seakan2 kerjaan gw double karena ngerjain kerjaan orang lain.

3. Minjemin uang ke pak OB, tapi kalo yang ini sih gw ikhlas bangettt hehehe, akhirnya pak OB nya jadi baik ke gw, padahal sebelumnya sempet mengacuhkan gw hikkss..

4. Membayar Personal Trainer dan meng-extend sesi latihan hanya karena ga enakan sama PT nya, padahal gw merasa ga terlalu butuh amat dengan PT, gw sebenarnya cuma pengen ikut kelassss ajaaaaa.... huksss, how to say no when they surround you with so detail explanation and non-stop statement about the importance of health and so on and so on, and they do it in front of cash register machine? uuuggh, could you please stop talking and just let me pay the bill to end the conversation...... *utk yg kasus ini masi agak2 sedikit kesel hahaha*

5. Meng-iya-kan pernyataan cinta seorang pemuda yang tidak kucintai... hahaha, ga deng yang ini lebay...

OH! namun ada juga beberapa kasus dimana gw bisa berkata "TIDAK":

1. Ketika temen jauh mau pinjam uang, tapi karena sebelumnya gw dikasih info bahwa teman kita tersebut tidak bisa dipercaya, maka gw menolak memberikan pinjaman...

2. Menolak mengerjakan Cash Flow, karena itu seharusnya kerjaan Manager hahhaa, dan gw memenunjukkan Checklist JOb desc dimana memang seharusnya dikerjakan oleh mereka. Beberapa bulan sebelumnya, itu kerjaan memang gw yang kerjain... tapi sekarang mata gw udah terbuka hoho... kerjakanlah apa yang menjadi porsi mu dan biarkanlah orang lain bertanggungjawab terhadap porsinya masing2

Yaps, sekian yang gw inget, ternyata perbandingan berani berkata "tidak" gw hanya 2/5

Semoga kesempatan lainnya gw bisa mengembangkannya menjadi 4/5


Muay Thai @office

Team HRD kantor gw sekarang sangat oke deh, mereka merancang program2 yang menarik supaya karyawan memiliki kegiatan lain yang bisa meningkatkan kebersamaan setelah selesai jam kerja.

Salah satunya adalah kelas olahraga, Muay Thai setiap hari Rabu, dan kelas Yoga setiap hari Jumat.

Pada kelas Muay Thai, kita diajari beberapa basic tinju, seperti Jab, Upper Cut, Cross, Hook, Knee, dan lainnya.

Kemudian pada salah satu sesi, kita diajari self-defense, seandainya ada orang jahat yang menodongkan pisau ke arah kita, maka kita bisa melindungi diri dari bahaya tersebut.

Gw baru 2 kali ikut kelas ini, dan so far cukup menyenangkan meski capek luar biasa setelahnya.

Manfaat yang didapatkan sangat beragam, mulai dari mengencangkan bokong, mengecilkan pinggang, melampiaskan emosi, hingga melepaskan stress, karena sebagian besar latihan dilakukan secara serius tapi santai dan banyak ketawa ketiwinya. Ini merupakan salah satu penghiburan bagi kami, team Accounting yang harus menjalani lembur selama 2 minggu setiap bulannya. Well, disyukuri saja.. at least setelah 2 minggu selesai deadline, banyak waktu luang yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk melakukan hal2 lain, salah satunya seperti mengupdate blog pribadi yang saat ini sedang gw lakukan :D

Berikut adalah beberapa hasil foto kita setelah selesai kelas Muay Thai..

how does it looks? good? yeah :)

Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

Little Angel ;]

July 21, 2012...

Hari berbahagia buat kami sekeluarga, karena telah lahir seorang bayi mungil pasangan koko gw yang sudah 2 tahun mendambakan anak :)

Melalui operasi caesar dengan berat 3 kiloan dan panjang 51cm

We Love You <3

Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

Few Months ago...

I've met someone
Who I think was a great guy,
A gentle and smart one
Loveable and good looking

I've been too much thinking
I've put too much feeling on it
and then...
I've been disappointed, a LOT

But then,
my saddest moments seems brighter
because of you, and your caring

I'm thankful,
because I had a friends like them :)

Please be nice to other people

Treat them right

Respect each other

Do it...over and over again

Making it as a good habit

and the whole world will filled with...